Peer-reviewed publications
Hierarchy and War. In the American Journal of Political Science (2024).

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Under review
A Preferences-based Theory of Audience Costs. Under review.


Dynamics of Change in International Organizations. Under review.


Hierarchy misalignment and war: Network effects of relational and material power. Under review.

The Trilemma of Hegemonic Order Competition. Under review.


Working papers
Measurement Precision versus User Fatigue: Temporal Discounting in Politics. Working Paper [draft available upon request].

Measuring International Order: Three Approaches to an Amorphous Concept. Working paper.

Only Doves could send Nixon to China. Working Paper [draft available upon request].

The Power to Hurt and Public Support for War. Working Paper [draft available upon request].

Ongoing Projects
A Direct Method for the Estimation of Temporal Preferences. Working Paper [draft available upon request].

An Adaptive Design for the Efficient Estimation of Temporal Preferences.

Refining known unknowns? Modeling and Measuring Uncertainty.

Warring Leviathans: Conflict Among Hierarchies and the Evolution of Human Prosociality.